
Investment opportunity study, the royal government of bhutan.

Kamtech carried out an Investment Opportunity Study for the Department of Industry, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Royal Government of Bhutan. Covering all regions, the study comprehensively mapped different factors of production; the infrastructure, education, natural resource, tourism, human resource and technology. From this data, a SWOT analysis was executed. The results allowed the study to give out investment opportunity ideas and identify and document potential manufacturing and service sector projects.

Bhutan has a very unique economic structure on which a special emphasis must be placed when executing a study. In a country, where gross national happiness is measured instead of gross national product, the desired economical outcomes ought to vary from the ones in more traditional economic systems. Furthermore, the austerity of Bhutan abundant and mountainous nature creates it´s own challenges in for example the development of infrastructure, but also poses great opportunities resource wise.

Saksham Gupta CTO, Director

An engineering graduate from Germany, specializations include Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality and Digital Transformation. Have experience working with Mercedes in the field of digital transformation and data analytics. Currently heading the European branch office of Kamtech, responsible for digital transformation, VR/AR/MR projects, AI/ML projects, technology transfer between EU and India and International Partnerships.

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saksham-gupta-de/